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Athletic Code of Conduct

The following policies shall apply to all students who participate in interscholastic activities in Yelm Secondary Schools (Yelm High, Ridgeline, and Yelm Middle), and shall be in effect for the athletic/activity school year.

Basic Conduct for Participants

The extra-curricular programs exist to allow students to participate and represent their schools in a wide range of educational, social and recreational activities to further improve their abilities and learn how to cooperate and compete with others. Participation in any activity at YHS, RMS or YMS is understood to be a privilege, not a right. Because students perform in public, they are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will reflect the high standards and ideals of their team, school and community.

Basic Sport/Activities Season

For the purpose of the Extra-curricular Code, the definition of a sport season will be that time from the first preseason team meeting until the completion of the awards program. An elective position shall be from the beginning of the nominating process until the conclusion of the term of that office. This code applies to all WIAA sponsored activities (athletic and activity). It also covers any other organized activities or contest where students represent Yelm Secondary Schools (7-12) outside of the regular school day. This is meant to include all ASB, including students elected to positions by the general student body or classes (i.e. ASB officers, class officers, homecoming and prom royalty, etc.).

Eligibility Board

  1. An Eligibility Board shall be formed to formulate a uniform code of training rules and behavior standards for all students participating in school activities and to settle disputes and hear appeals resulting from the administration of said code.
  2. The Eligibility Board will consist of the athletic/activity director, administrator, one guidance counselor and the involved advisor/coach. The athletic/activity director shall serve as chairperson.

Basic School Policies

  1. The following rules will also apply to participants
  2. For violation of school rules, the participant will be treated the same as any other student and may, in addition, be penalized in accordance with this code in regard to school or public conduct:
  • Students will be allowed to participate in events as long as they are physically in school on time and for the ENTIRE day. Absences for medical, dental appointments, etc. should not be scheduled on the day of an event. However, if an absence is for a medical issue then only the athletic director can waive up to one-half day from the attendance at school with a copy of the doctor's note. In order to participate in a Saturday event the student must be in attendance at school on Friday. PE participation is required for all athletes on a day of practice or game.
  • When representing their school, students are expected to dress in good taste (approved by coach and/or athletic director and demonstrate mature conduct that will earn respect for their school and themselves.
  • A student shall abide by all rules set by the coach/advisor. Penalties for violation of these rules will be set by the head coach/advisor of the in-season activity.
  • Participants shall be considered a team member if selected through a cut process or have competed in one contest for no-cut programs. In the event that a participant chooses to cease participating in an activity after committing him/herself to the program then he/she is required to petition the Eligibility Board before participating in another Yelm Secondary School extracurricular program. Petitions must be made 10 days prior to the start of the next season or activity, otherwise they forfeit their right to compete in the next season. Prior to leaving the tram the athlete and head coach must meet so the coaching staff have an understanding of the reason why thus clearing the way for the appeal. Without meeting with the head coach they appeal would be denied.

Academic Eligibility

  1. Academic Eligibility for high school athletics - At the start of the season students must be passing 5 out of 6 classes from the previous semester (WIAA 18.7.0) in order to be eligible to compete. Running Start students must pass an equivalent amount of classes (WIAA 18.6) in a year to be eligible. Once the season begins, students must continue to be passing all six (6) classes. The consequence for not maintaining passing grades shall be: loss of eligibility to compete, but can practice, until he/she is passing all classes. Grade checks will be conducted every three (3) weeks at the high school level (9-12) and every two (2) weeks at the middle level (7-8) during the season. The grade checks will be done on a Wednesday. Homeschool students must follow the same requirements.
  2. Academic Eligibility for ASB activities - Each activity advisor may elect to have a GPA standard. Consequences for not following the minimum standard that is established by the advisor will result in loss of the privilege to participate in the activity until such time they bring their grades back up to the minimum standard
  3. Academic Eligibility for middle school athletics - Students participating in sports are placed on probation for a 2 week period if they receive an "F" grade in any class. Once the student has passing grades, they become eligible to compete. Should the student clear failing grades within the first week, he/she is eligible the following Monday. Should the student be failing the same course(s) after the initial grade check signifying an "F", he/she may be dropped from the activity. Students may practice but will not be eligible to participate in contests until the 2 week period is complete and the student no longer has an "F" grade. An athlete will become immediately ineligible for all interscholastic programs if conduct at school results in disciplinary actions.

Attendance Eligibility

Attendance for secondary athletics – Students are encouraged to be at school every day to get the most out of their academics and grades. If a student misses more than ½ day school they would not be eligible to compete in that day’s event. The AD can clear an athlete for up to ½ day for a qualified excuse with a note (i.e., had a doctor’s appointment and was gone for 2 hours – they would be cleared to play if they brought a note from the doctor).

Discipline from School

If a student received a suspension they are ineligible to be part of the team during suspension period. They will not be allowed to be on any school campus during the suspension time. Student-athletes who are suspended from school will not be allowed to travel with the team or sit with the team at home or away contests.

Transportation To and From Events

Parent must provide transportation.

Possession or use of Alcohol, Illicit Drugs and/or Tobacco

Possession of, use of, or traffic in alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs and tobacco is prohibited. When a violation takes place, the following procedures will be followed



(WIAA policy 18.24)

1st Offense

The participants will be suspended for a minimum of 2 weeks. If there are fewer than 2 weeks remaining then it carries over to the next season.

The participants will be suspended from athletic participation for the remainder of the season

2nd Offense

The participants will be suspended for the remainder of the season.  A minimum  of 4 contests must be included otherwise, it carries over to the next season.

The participants will be suspended for one calendar year (365 days)

3rd Offense

The participants will be suspended for one calendar year (365 days) from the date of the infraction

The participants will lose athletic eligibility for the remainder of the his/her enrollment in the Yelm School District.

4th Offense

The Participants will lose athletic eligibility for the remainder of the his/her enrollment in the Yelm School District.


  1. The alcohol/drug/tobacco violations will follow school policy which will be cumulative over six years. Participants who attend gatherings (parties) where drugs and/or alcohol are being used illegally must upon learning of the presence and/or use of such substances, make immediate and exhaustive attempts to leave. The participant/athlete is responsible for notifying the advisor, head coach, the athletic/activities director, assistant principal or principal by the morning of the next school day that he/she may be in violation of that athletic/activities code. In all cases, the participant/athlete is charged with the burden of proving that exhaustive efforts were made to leave the gathering. The principal or his/her appointee shall make the final determination of those efforts.
  2. If the athlete is suspended from athletics for alcohol/drugs/tobacco on the first offense to have their eligibility reinstated for the next season, they must attend an assistance program (True North is one option that is offered at the secondary schools). Upon completion, the athlete will have his/her eligibility reinstated for the next season. The eligibility WILL NOT be reinstated for the remainder of the current season in which they were suspended.
  3. Any student suspended from an activity for the remainder of the season will forfeit his/her right to any letter or award. The head coach/advisor must confer with the principal and the athletic/activity director before a student may be suspended from an activity. The parents of a student are to be notified by the coach/advisor within three business days of the violation (other than from the chart above) following the decision to suspend the student. Penalties for the above chart will be handled by the administration.
  4. Where applicable, the participant shall comply with official WIAA rules peculiar to specific activities (see the athletic/activity director for any necessary clarification of these rules)
  5. The participant assumes total responsibility for all equipment issued to him/her during the season. All such equipment must be returned to the coach/advisor in an acceptable condition and/or paid for in the high school or middle school office before the student receives any letter or award recognition. Before turning out for another activity the fines from the previous sport must have been paid in full.

Ejection from a Contest

Conduct resulting in an ejection from an interscholastic contest administered by game officials, coaches or school administrators shall result in the following:

  1. The athlete will be out of the contest (event) for the remainder of the contest in which the ejection occurred:
  2. When a student is ejected, the coach continues to be responsible for the student. The student shall remain with the team.

The first ejection of the season shall result, at a minimum, the ejected person being ineligible until after the next school contest in that sport at the same level of competition from which the person was ejected.

An ejection due to violent conduct or abusive language shall result in a suspension of three matches.

  • Violent conduct is defined as the commission of a violent act against an opponent, official, spectator, teammate or other individual(s) when the ball is in or out of play.
  • Abusive language is defined as harsh or insulting language or profanity directed towards another individual.

A jamboree does not count as a contest for the purposes of meeting the suspension period.

A student who is on suspension may not be on the team bench, but not in the school uniform, during the suspension period.

Should a participant be unable to complete a suspension during the sports season in which the ejection occurs, the suspension shall be carried over into the participant’s succeeding season of participation. In order for the suspension in the succeeding season of participation to meet this requirement, the participant must be a member of the team for the entire season for that sport.

Contest is defined as an the scheduled event where the team or individuals compete.

  • Varsity Basketball game is considered an event. The athlete will not be eligible to compete or dress down that day.
  • Wrestling Invitational is considered an event. The athlete will not be eligible to compete or dress down during the entire invitational.

The second ejection in the same sport and season shall result in ineligibility for the remainder of the season of that sport. For aggressive physical contact with an official, the WIAA Executive Director has the authority to suspend the individual from further competition for a period not to exceed one (1) calendar year.

Appeal Discipline

  1. An activity discipline may be appealed to the principal by student and/or parent/guardian.
  2. The request for an appeal must be in writing to the school principal
  3. Upon making the team the imposition of penalty for infraction(s) of said rules or regulations, any aggrieved student and parent/guardian of said student shall have the right to a conference with the eligibility board to stay the decision of the coach/advisor or ask him/her to reconsider. If the student and parent/guardian do not make a written request for this conference within three (3) school days of the action grieved, they will have waived their right to the conference and appeal procedure. The conference is to be held within three (3) school days of the request.

    If the parties are unable to agree at the conference, the aggrieved party may appeal to the superintendent's office within three (3) school days after receiving a decision from the eligibility board. The superintendent's appointee, after hearing the case in detail, shall render a decision within five (5) school days of the hearing. The aggrieved party may appeal the superintendent's appointee's decision to the board of directors within three (3) school days. The board of directors will hear the case at their next regular meeting, and after hearing the case in detail, shall render a decision on the case within ten (10) school days of the hearing. This decision shall be final.
  4. Suspension from an activity will be imposed during the appeal process.
  5. Long-term Discipline - Parent/Guardian and/or students aggrieved by long-term suspension from school may make an appeal as outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Procedures Section VI. E.

Basic Conduct for Parents and Spectators  (Winning is for a day - Sportsmanship and citizenship are for a lifetime).

Yelm Secondary Schools (YHS, RMS, YMS) athletic departments encourages all fans during home and away games to conduct themselves in accordance with examples of good sportsmanship as they represent YHS, RMS or YMS wherever we compete.

Acts of Good Sportsmanship

  • Take part in cheers with cheerleaders and applaud good performance.
  • Work cooperatively with contest officials and supervisors in keeping order.
  • Refrain from negative comments about officials, coaches and participants
  • Stay off the playing area at all times.
  • Show respect for public property and equipment.

Acts of Misconduct

  • Throwing objects onto the playing surface or in the stands.
  • Behaving dangerously or in any way that interferes with the rights of others to observe the game.
  • Using obscene, profane or abusive language or gestures.
  • Entering onto the playing surface at any time.
  • Challenging the decisions of the game officials.

Legal References

RCW 28 A 600.200 - Gives WIAA the legal right to regulate state athletic programs
RCW 69 A 41.020 - State-mandated sanctions for use of legend drugs
RCW 69 A 41.34 - Student Athletics - Violations - Penalty

District Policy References

Policy 2150 - Co-Curricular Program
Policy 2151 - Interscholastic Athletics