Fee Schedule
As a convenience to our families, Yelm Community Schools provides an easy way to make online payments from home or work.. With just one login, you can make payments for any child in your household. Online payments can be used to replenish a student's food service account or pay for any existing fines or fees, such as class fees, athletic fees or ASB activities.
Question & Answers
- How Do I Login to Make a Payment?
- What if I change my Skyward password?
- Can I use a mobile device?
- Is the District storing my credit card data?
- I have signed in. Now what?
- How do I add money to my student's meal account?
- I have a fine on my student's account. Why?
- I've tried to log into TouchBase, but it doesn't work. What do I do?
- What cards are currently accepted by TouchBase?
- There is an item my student wants to purchase, but I don't see it.