Health Services
What is it?
Who is it for?
Yelm Nurses coordinate health care services for students in the district who have medical conditions that need to be addressed during the school day. These students have health plans developed to describe how the individual student health needs will be addressed while on campus.
Who do I contact for more information?
Please contact your student’s building principal or the School Nurse for more information.
Where do I get information on Immunization?
Immediately upon enrollment in the district, the student’s parent/guardian must provide proof of immunization status with a Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS), approved by the Washington Department of Health. Review the chart of required immunizations and how to document your child's immunization.
Certificate of Immunization Form (English | Spanish)
If I have questions about specific health concerns, where can I get more information?
The Student Handbook has guidelines about health concerns and your student’s attendance. In addition, there are other resources available for things like H1N1 and MRSA. To the right, you will find links to state and national agencies for additional information.
Need Support?
Office of Student Support
E: student_support@ycs.
P: 360.458.6124
F: 360.458.6450