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The Office of Student Learning (OSL) manages a number of state and federal grants that support the following activities:

  • Professional Development Support for Teachers
  • Tribal Language and Cultural Enrichment
  • Education Leadership Mentoring
  • School Improvement Based on State Test Scores and Graduation Rate

Grant application support exists for teachers and other staff when applying for a variety of grants offered by public/private institutions.

Need Support?

Kurt Fourre, Director of Assessments, Grants, and Student Data Management

P: 360.458.6120


DoDEA - Department of Defense Education Activity

Literacy Fundamentals
Grant Award Years 2024 - 2029
Yelm Community Schools recognizes the unique challenges faced by military-connected students, including frequent moves that can impact reading skills. This project aims to improve literacy instruction for all students, especially those from military families. 

Ensuring Impactful Initial Instruction for Military-Connected Students
Grant Award Years 2022 - 2027
This project focuses on increasing the impact of initial instruction for students in core subjects. The project builds on previous projects successes by creating systems of consistent core instruction and curriculum implementation, through partnership with school leaders. 

Supporting Student Social-Emotional Health and Wellness
Grant Award Years 2020 - 2025
This DoDEA project assists Yelm Community Schools’ efforts to support the diverse social and emotional needs of military connected students by integrating social-emotional learning and cultural competency into elementary and middle school classrooms.

Supporting Student Achievement in Secondary STEM
Grant Award Years 2018 - 2023
The 2018 project provides students in middle school and high school with support in STEM courses, encouraging course enrollment and college credit attainment. The grant also supports AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) at all three secondary schools.

Improving Math Achievement by Creating a Continuous System of Instruction
Grant Award Years 2016 - 2021
This DoDEA project integrated the practice standards of science and mathematics to help create a more consistent experience for students as they transition into and through the secondary system. The project bridges the work of teachers in elementary and secondary mathematics and science to provide more support for students. The project also supported additional opportunities for technology integration building on the 2013 and 2015 projects.

Student Achievement through Literacy and Technology Integration
Grant Award Years 2015 - 2020
The 2015 DoDEA award allowed YCS to accelerate student achievement gains by providing teachers additional literacy training and more opportunities for students to increase digital literacy. The grant provided more than $250,000 to provide all students with Chromebook access.

Increasing Student Readiness in Algebra through Integrating Technology into Middle and High School Mathematics and Science Instruction
Grant Award Years 2013 - 2016
This project supported a partnership between Yelm Community Schools and Texas Instruments to bring TI’s MathForward program to math students in grades 7-12 at Yelm High School, Ridgeline Middle School, and Yelm Middle School.  

Assisting Military Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for Middle School
Grant Award Years 2010 - 2013 
The goal of the 2010 DoDEA project was to promote mathematics achievement for military students in grades 7-9.  The project identified students at risk for mathematical difficulties, aligned instructional programs and methodologies to meet a variety of student learning needs, and monitored student and teacher progress to ensure program effectiveness.