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Food Services

Child Nutrition Department

The goal of the Food Services Department at Yelm Community Schools is to provide nutritious meals to children during the school day.  We serve over 135,000 breakfast and 469,000 lunches each day to students, and we are committed to increasing participation by providing a friendly, professional, clean atmosphere focused on students as customers.

We provide students with a variety of nutritionally balanced menu options for breakfast and lunch that meet or exceed USDA’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act certification standards and reflect the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  Today’s school meal features 100% whole grain rich products, a larger variety and quantity of fruits and vegetables, nonfat and 1% rBST free milk.  Meals are trans-fat free, low in sodium, calorie controlled and includes alternate options daily to meet the needs of students with diet restrictions.

Children may qualify to receive breakfast and lunch at no cost or at a reduced price (based on Federal income eligibility guidelines).  Families are encouraged to complete an application even if they are not sure if they qualify.  We also encourage families to apply at any time during the school year if the household experiences a change in financial circumstances because their child may become eligible for free/reduced price meals.   Eligibility is confidential, and students who utilize the benefits are not identifiable in the breakfast or lunch lines.   

Need Support?

Sandy Conradi,Food Service Director
Jodie Rothwell, Office Professional
P: 360.400.1151

Submit Dietary Requests

Request for Dietary Accommodations (English | Spanish)


Seeking Wellness Committee Members

Please contact Sandy Conradi to provide feedback and assist with program evaluation.